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Red willow fabric 120x300 cm

Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm
Red willow fabric 120x300 cm



Reddish-brown shade fabric made from natural strong willow branches of different diameters (3-12 mm), woven into a galvanized wire every 10 cm.

Willow blinds can be used in the garden or on the balcony as a decorative design element, providing protection against unwanted glances and wind.


Weatherproof natural product.
Quick and easy to install.
By its nature, it fits into any environment.




If you order more than one, our customer service will explain the terms of delivery.

Item number :
Further data
12 990 Ft
Unit price: 3 608 Ft/m2

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